Frederick Smart and
Bessie Doney Parkinson


Fred S. Parkinson, 1926
Scan of original
courtesy of VeAnn Molander
Bessie D. Parkinson, abt 1927
Scan of original
courtesy of VeAnn Molander

Northern Illinois conference presidency, 1899-1900
Top, L-R: W.C. Lyman, Fred S. Parkinson
Bottom: J.A. Sermon, S.D. Bradford
Scan of original courtesy of VeAnn Molander
1901, Illinois or St. Louis
Scan of original courtesy of VeAnn Molander

[Possibly Misidentified]
Bessie Doney as teenager,
ID and color reprint courtesy
of Yvonne Parkinson

Note (Apr 2011): VeAnn Molander says
she has the original of the above photo
and that this is Anna Katherina Anderson,
an ancestor of hers on another line.

Back, L-R: Deverge, Freddie
Front: Ann (baby), Bessie Ann, Reed, Carroll, Frederick, Ross
Rexburg, Idaho, 1910 or 1911
Scan of original courtesy of VeAnn Molander
Another version,
from color reprint courtesy of Yvonne Parkinson

Back, L-R: Max, Ross, Lygia, Deverge, Keith, Fred, Ann, Carrol
Front: Blaine, Bessie Ann, Freddie, Morris
Anderson's Studio, Rexburg, Idaho
Scan of original courtesy of VeAnn Molander

L-R: Morris, Max, Blaine, Keith, Carrol, Ross, Deverge,
Freddie, Frederick, 1932, Rexburg, Idaho
Scan of original courtesy of VeAnn Molander
Fred and Bessie Parkinson home,
246 E. Main St., Rexburg, Idaho, 1909
Scan of original courtesy of VeAnn Molander

Fred and Bessie Parkinson family, 1940,
L-R: Fred S., Bessie, Morris, Lyal, Ann, Lygia
from color reprint courtesy of Yvonne Parkinson
Fred and Bessie Parkinson family
Back, L-R: Lygia, Ann, Bessie, Frederick, Carrol
Front: Max, Morris
from color reprint courtesy of Yvonne Parkinson

Fred and Bessie, 1944,
from color reprint courtesy
of Yvonne Parkinson
Lygia, Bessie, Ann, 1941
from color reprint courtesy
of Yvonne Parkinson
from color reprint courtesy
of Yvonne Parkinson
Fred and Bessie on
50th wedding anniversary,
from color reprint courtesy
of Yvonne Parkinson

About 1943
Scan of original
courtesy of VeAnn Molander
About 1952
Scan of original
courtesy of VeAnn Molander


Help Improve This Page

We want to make this site as complete as possible. If you have photos or histories you can let us copy, or if you can offer help with scanning, retouching, or transcribing, please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.

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