Photos of the Family of
Samuel Rose and Maria Smart Parkinson

Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions. Note: High resolution scans or high-quality reprints of all of these are available free or at nominal cost to family members from Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@").

Large wall portrait
Original in Franklin Relic Hall
Photo courtesy of Ben Parkinson
Large wall portrait
Original in Franklin Relic Hall
Photo courtesy of Ben Parkinson

Maria S. Parkinson
from group shot with Smart Family
Courtesy of Glenn Rowe

* Click here for whole shot *
Maria with son Henry, 1891
(Maria was 40)
Courtesy of Ila Wheatfill

Closeup of shot with Henry

Samuel with sons by Maria, 1915
Top, L-R: Clarence, Thomas, Edmund
Bottom: Glen, Samuel, Hazen
Courtesy of Ila Wheatfill

Maria with daughters, 1906
L-R: Olive, Arabella S., Sarah Ann, Maria, Luella, Susanna
Courtesy of Ila Wheatfill
(compare Franklin Relic
Hall shot above)

Maria with Luella, Clarence, and Luella's daughter Laura
Courtesy of Ila Wheatfill

Maria's daughters in old age
L-R: Luella Cowley, Bell Daines, Sadie Marshall, Olive Monson, Susie Nielson
Courtesy of Ila Wheatfill

Samuel and the children the day of Maria's funeral, 19 Jul 1915
Back, L-R: Luella Daines (Sessions), Clarence, Sarah Ann, Arabelle
Middle: Olive, Thomas, Samuel, Luella, Edmund
Front: Glen, Susanna, Hazen
Courtesy of Sam Monson

If you would like a photo reprint of any photo on these pages, contact the webmaster (see below).

Note: Share your photos with other Parkinson family descendants. If you have original photos or reprints of Samuel and his families that you would be willing to have scanned (no more destructive than a photocopy), please contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@"). We plan to make high-resolution scans and/or reprints available to all family members.

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