Descendants of Samuel Rose Parkinson

This data was taken from Ancestral File. Preston Parkinson's new book has better data, and several family members have written in offering better information on their lines. We are in desperate need of someone to spearhead a descendancy project to collect and correct this information. If you can help or have data to contribute, please contact Ben Parkinson, the Parkinson Family webmaster, at <benX@parkinsonXfamily.orgX> (remove the three X's).

Known errors:

  • Franklin and Preston were moved from Oneida County to Franklin County in 1913.
  • Olive Smart Parkinson Monson's birthday is wrong. The correct date is 25 May 1877 in Richmond, Cache, Utah.

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    This web site produced 28 Jan 2001 by Personal Ancestral File, a product of
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.